My last post was about being consistent and committing to writing a blog post every week. Oh the irony. Where have the last few blog posts been? Non-existent. I didn't stay consistent at all!
So I guess then we have to talk about balance. Yes consistency is super important but so is balance. If the consistency becomes a stressful strive for perfection then we just aren't going to manage it whilst also staying happy are we? So balance.
"To light a candle is to cast a shadow" - Ursula K. Le Guin
For me, the last few weeks have been rather full on, its the summer holidays, kids are at home, still working, my husband and I are like passing ships so finding time to dedicate to sitting still and getting a blog written has been really difficult.
I think it is really important to be honest with ourselves too. It can be so easy to find an excuse, use it and actually begin to believe it. I could say that I didn't have time over the past few weeks to get a blog out, but in all honesty, I probably could have done. It just wasn't as high up my priority list as other things were, and you know what? That's ok. I know that and I'm owning it.
This applies to everything we do though.
How many times have you said "I don't have time to go to the gym", "I didn't have time to meal prep" etc? If we are really honest though, this probably isn't strictly true. The truth is, we just didn't want to, there were other things we would rather do, whether it is work, sleep, watch tv, scroll social media... and again that's ok, but let's stop kidding ourselves.
Awareness is the first step to change
The only way long term change is possible is to have awareness. If you want to be someone who exercises more, learns a new language, eats better, goes to the theatre more, attends a choir, plays a sport, travels etc then you need to be aware of the things that are stopping you from achieving that and put small steps in place to change. These steps and changes are not possible without awareness.
So what are those things that you would like to commit to that you are struggling to stay consistent with at the moment? Now ask yourself if you really want them, like really, really want them? If you still do, then what is it that's stopping you from achieving that at the moment? Now think of small steps you can realistically put in place that you can stay consistent with whilst maintaining that balance.
Want more help? Get in touch to see how I can help you find consistent balance.