As a personal trainer, one of the most common questions I get asked is "Will weight lifting make me bulky?". Well, you can stop waiting and wondering, I am here to tell you that no, it will not make you bulky (unless that is your goal).
We have muscles so we can move (that's pretty obvious isn't it?) and they require energy to function, which we get from the fuel we consume - calories. If we don't use these muscles they will begin to deteriorate as the body will break down the muscle tissue as a way of conserving energy - clever eh? There is no point putting energy into something that doesn't require it.
So, using weights will help to develop the muscles, mitigate against muscle atrophy (muscle deterioration), increase their strength and capability, providing us with a toned and defined shape and greater power. Which is what most of us are after isn't it? There is a catch though. The calories (fuel) you are consuming need to be used up by your muscles otherwise they will go wandering off piste, find a cosy corner to sit dormant in and quickly turn into fat, which is what most of us want to avoid.
Or if you intake an excessive number of calories and continually lift increasingly heavy weights, you will begin to "bulk up" as those greedy and hard working muscles will happily consume those extra calories in order to grow.
So it is a balancing act ultimately.
We need to provide our bodies with good quality fuel to feed our muscles whilst ensuring they are working and being challenged at the same time.
I was unsure and slightly nervous about incorporating weights into my exercise routine initially but it has become an absolute necessity now. There is so much to gain from incorporating weights into your routine, from physical tone and strength to a physiological confidence and power.
If you are unsure where to begin or would like a helping hand, please get in touch to arrange a free consultation with me.